

Discovery Club

Our Community center located in a small city in Northern Iraq, has provided the opportunity to reach out to the surrounding community, offering programs and aid that is greatly needed. The primary program of the center has focused on offering supplementary education to 10-13 year olds in order to spur their creativity and logic to afford them greater opportunities as they get older.


We have seen wonderful progress as dozens of children have progressed from the simple and basic to more complex skills and classes. The program is ran in English, the children must often work in teams, and are intermixed between local ethnicities, helping to strengthen numerous other aspects of their skills and character simultaneously.

Disaster Relief

Relief in disaster areas requires a more immediate, short-term, and aid specific focus. The aid needed can vary significantly based on each disaster, and the scope of these needs can vary widely. We are not a disaster relief-focused organization, but we cannot ignore those disasters that occur within our areas of operation or fall within our capability to help.

On February 6, 2023, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck in southeast Turkey, followed by a 7.6 magnitude aftershock amidst hundreds of aftershocks that followed. This led to large amounts of damage over hundreds of miles, impacted the lives of over 15 million people in Turkey and Syria, killed over 55,000, and injured over 130,000 more. Because our main area of operation in the Region is in Northern Iraq, and because generous donations made, our team was able respond quickly and drive into Turkey to help provide immediate aid to victims of the earthquake. We have continued follow-up aid work in numerous cities over the months that have followed.


The impoverished, uneducated, displaced and refugee. These make up the majority of the people we have focused our relief work on. Unfortunately there are no shortage of people that fall into these categories in the Region, which means we have plenty of work to do, and people to love.

Although the needs change, we often seek out partnerships with local and other international entities to make collaborative efforts towards helping communities where we are working. We have distributed both fresh and packaged food, clothing, toys, family-specific and health items, and have done children’s activities in a variety of locations to include IDP/Refugee camps. These distributions and activities offer temporary help and hope to the recipients, and many times simply seeing that someone cares about them is what they need to continue pressing on, and maybe even be motivated to find better solutions for themselves and their families.

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